Hi! My name is Dana Duncan and welcome to my blog! I am the owner of Dana Duncan Photography here in Hampton Roads, Virginia and I specialize in weddings and a variety of portrait types; bridals, engagements, children, newborns, high school seniors, and "Get Glam!" Go over and check out my website at www.DanaDuncanPhotography.com for more information and samples of my work. This is where I post my most recent work and all of my "sneak peeks" for each session, and try to keep things fun! Hope you enjoy my blog.
xoxo Dana :)

Monday, July 14, 2008


A couple weeks ago a group of our friends headed up to Busch Gardens for a day of beer tasting and roller coasters! We started off the day riding Busch Garden’s famous new ride, Griffon {see below}, then we headed to a beer tasting, and finally, we ended the day with some 4th of July fireworks.

Anytime we are in public I managed to get in some sort of trouble with my camera {me, breaking the rules? No way :)} and this day was no exception. I brought my handy dandy point & shoot camera so I could grab a video of this amazing new roller coaster---but what I didn’t see if the giant signs that said, “…any form of camera or video camera brought on this ride will result in immediate dismissal from the park without refund…” So we rode the Griffon (amazing!) and there were no problems with the camera….Then we headed over to Alpengist…and as we are heading up the first hill…the ride stops. The over the speaker we hear, “Please fasten all loose items.” I felt like a kid that had just been scolded. The camera strap was around my wrist so I just dropped the camera and tried to pretend it wasn’t me! Then, the speaker comes on and says, “Girl with the camera!!!” Oh my goodness---it was the most embarrassing moment ever!

Luckily they didn’t kick me out of the park, but you can bet that as soon as the safety harnesses lifted, we booked it!

I have another funny story about Busch Gardens but I’m going to save it for the next post!

Enjoy the pictures/videos :)

Me and my husband Scott <3

Two of my favorite ladies in the world :)

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